Friday, December 11, 2009
Women's How To Mastrabate Dvd
Dear Morrissey,
I know you do not like being called by his first name and so I refer to you as only by his surname. To start with this letter I wanted to tell you not to know you and thank you for allowing us to take life a being as extraordinary as you.
sure everything has been said and he must have received all kinds of emails from their fans, but again, you have to know how important it is in the lives of many.
So I beg of you, not suicide, as he said recently in a radio station in your country, or was the U.S. radio?, Anyway, the question is the same not mate, for heaven's sake in this world, just living. Yes I know Mr. Morrissey, we are not worthy of breathing the same air you breathe, but only live.
The world (and a bit of person who calls Stella).
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Where Can I Buy Inova Lights At A Store
Shipwreck AD has always seemed an exceptional band. Lucky I have to say I've seen them live twice, the first time I saw, I had no expectations, or did not think they were bad or anything, but simply did not know what to expect, until that first song came out and surprised me.
The second time I saw them, I knew how good they were and therefore did not hesitate to go early (I freak, I know) and was just beautiful, those riffs so in your face, battery that sticks with you from the first moment and hits you in the chest, you must also add the excellent stage presence of JD, I was in the front row and singing in the type each individual face, just great.
I had nothing to post, but remember with nostalgia the Shipwreck AD tour dates with Have Heart, I think that basically are like my favorite bands without all the credit.
Something else, that seems very very nice:
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
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write something I thought long about the concert was The Killers, the incredible I saw him live and direct, but I chose not to do so because his head was hot. Now that is over I still have the feeling of happiness at that smile, that this gesture inintendible guiñoy made me Dave with his mouth, definitely my favorite part of the concert, still fascinates me so Só so the idea that Dave took the time to get from one side of the stage to the míoy bothering to read my sign.
Continuing this post, not much has happened except that I bought my new glasses, now I look like a bunch over guys in the video Stop me if you think You Have Heard This One Before by The Smiths .
The time of self-control and improve things, we must bring them to the positive side, so I must be responsible and consistent, well I understand myself alone, nevermind.
I'm really looking forward to the DIY, and even more when done with loved ones on Thursday
plans, plans and concerts, great. I always had liked but never thought you take me so well, I hate that I discovered recently, I'm on 16. Cultivating new friends, that's nice, especially with people who have similar interests.
Monday, November 16, 2009
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Last night's concert with Madball Agnostic Front was very good. Proceed to tell them.
opened national bands that frankly I care less unless you take the wings off a fly, or is zero, I just waited impatiently for you to play Madball and Agnostic Front. They did
as at 07:00 pm and I felt like that girl school recently discovered all the hardcore punk scene, I felt good, free swimming in the sea of people, jumping, singing, taking the microphone to Mr. Miret. It was great when he played Roger Miret Believe, all at the end of the song cry: Believe in Hardcore! , but the boiling point of the concert was Gotta go, all while chanting: From the east coast to the west coast, gotta gotta gotta go, two sounds of the revolution, gotta gotta gotta go, united we stand, Divided we fall , Gotta go gotta , eseguida made a circle pit, but I stood on the edge, wearing glasses and could not risk much, as I jumped like crazy with excitement.
When these true kings of Hardcore stopped playing, Roger gave a hand to those who were ahead, the same style of Morrissey, we were all united, happy, because these events do not happen twice.
Then everyone went to buy merch, plan and go home, but not me, I always go back for more, and I think, coincidences of life, I am one of those couches that there in the Ravine Bar and a gringo who was sitting next to me was the speech, I asked if it was from here and I said yes, against me who had come with his wife and presented it to me the three of us hit it off, and something that I did not know was that this was the kind of New York and friend of the two bands, at first I died of jealousy because he was going to enter Backstage, until his wife, all cute she makes me go with them, "shit, I thought, I felt so privileged, had a saying Backstage Pass Band and gave it to me over Paroximia vocalist when I saw the gringo and the girl.
entered as the Backstage, and we met with Vinnie Stigma, the first thing I did was look him in the tattoos, I had lots and stared and stared, he realized and only managed to laugh, so to speak, one more. I signed the entry, and we talked, he told me he loved Peruvian cuisine, which seemed amazing, I tell you how bad it saved me in particular it seemed to me because we are of the few countries ; countries in the guinea pig is eaten, but I decided against it. No camera and I took llegaríaa not take pictures with anyone, but Paola (wife of gringo), very nice it again, I took pictures and told me that my mail as soon enviaríaa connect, Vinnie around me shoulder with the arm, and took the picture, then a few seconds gave me a kiss on the cheek of those who are good sound and long, I was a little embarrassed, but Paola and Vinnie laughed, so I just smiled. The long hand on my shoulder, I felt like a grouppie, when they arrived some guys from Colombia and Ecuador to the Backstage to request an autograph or a photo, looked at me as if I'm the HBIC, I was laughing inside, Paola, her husband and Vinnie inn, because we had eyes accomplices, the Colombians took a picture with me and shook my hand, I think they concluded certain things because of my backstage pass, because mine say rather than Guest, said Band, which give me more privileges.
Then came the turn of Roger Miret, the patadon told them that I got to jump on someone's part I was doing crowdsurfing, and amused me that Ely colleagues say all at once: Huh?, awwwwww, how cute, I thought. I signed one I entered and took photos, courtesy of Paola.
It was time to go because it was getting late and work and decided to retire, when I realized there were many people at once on the catwalk and Joseph James detráz mio me said try to squeeze your body in, I'll help you move were all very good people, I will photos under a cut as soon as I arrive.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
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If You Could only listen to one CD for the rest of your life, What Would you choose and why? Submitted By
could not pick just one it would probably be the discography of The Smiths and Morrissey.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
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I'm downloading The Importance of Being Morrissey. In the morning the internet is fast, do not know why, but for me, so do not question the thing.
Whenever lack least for The Killers, until now no one knows for certain who the hell will they supported, but hopefully not the Turbopótamos those heavy, always in all, it is highly irritable.
Certainly the official fan club will be queuing from 07:00 am and shit because we
Noten, little by little I listen less to Morrissey, the truth is that I get that has become a diva of shit and now, everything he hated in his youth, ay Morrissey. I know I say all these things, but equally because the concerts would have a few songs too damn good and as I have said before, if I identify with his lyrics.
threw bottles on the head received in a clarification, did not seem right that it happened and I do not understand how it is that pseudo-fans can blame Morrissey for leaving, or what is expected ?, if I were in the shoes of Moz is likely to follow. I think a lack respect as the man was working hard to resume the tour (remember the collapse of Swindon) and above who is ill will throw things as he came to greet and shake hands with their fans, must be well deserved leave the concert.
Ah yes, the other day my cousin, my ICTY I were in one of those pages where you put your picture and you get the haircut that suits you best, as well, the thing is that I did and I got the cut I wanted. Another
more thing, I'm re-obsessed with Carlos Dengler of Interpol, very good news, no more fucking Morrissey to roll (or perhaps I flip the tortilla and finish talking about the two up to the elbows).
Saturday, November 7, 2009
How To Do Up A Double Buckle Belt
Two situations are exactly alike, two people can get totally opposite results, why is that?
Because the results are not situations, the results obtained by the manner in which you focus to them.
If you focus in a negative way, and you think that will go wrong, however small the chances are that goes wrong, you do because your mind one way or another way to find out wrong, and that's not what we want, right?
Instead, give yourself a positive approach and good results you can get.
Concentrate and think of a good result, only mentalízalo, and your mind will take you to Ely make it.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Anodized Titanium Rings
Del Top 10 of
1. Interpol
2. Metallica
3. The Killers
4. Emigrate
5. Morrissey
6. Have Heart
7. Magnetic Morning
8. Rammstein
9. Johnny Cash
10. Megadeth
What Was the first song you ever Heard by 6?
Something More Than Ink. What
is your favorite album of 8?
What is your favorite lyrics of 5?
by Morrissey The Ordinary Boys, sometimes when I hear this song, Morrissey I think as a senora stalker bag hence the story is too similar to what was happening at school. What is bold is almost identical to my childhood or even adolescence.
Ordinary boys, happy Knowing nothing, Being happy no-one but Themselves. Ordinary girls, supermarket clothes, Who think it's very clever to be cruel to you.
For you were so different , you stood all alone and you knew that it had to be so. Avoiding ordinary boys , happy going nowhere, just around here in their rattling cars.
Ordinary girls never seeing further than the cold, small streets that trap them, but you were so different you had to say no when those empty fools tried to change you , and claim you for the lair of their ordinary world.
Where they feel so lucky so lucky, so lucky with their lives laid out before them. They are lucky, so lucky, so lucky.
How many times have seen each of your ten bands live?
The Killers dentro de catorce días, y a Have Heart dos veces.
What is your favorite song by number 7?
The Way love used to be.
Is there a song of 3 that makes you sad?
Smile like you mean it, obvio.
What is your favorite song by 2?
For whom the bell tolls, Whiskey in the Jar y Battery.
What is your favorite song by 9?
I walk the line y Ring of Fire.
What is your favorite album by 1?
Turn on the Bright Lights.
How did you get into 3?
MTV, pubertad-adolescencia, colegio, bleh.
What is your favorite song by 4?
Which of the 10 have Influenced you the most?
Morrissey, definitely, and a deeper way.
What is a good memory Concerning 2?
Not many really.
What is a good memory Concerning 3?
All school-related and my first real friends.
Is There a song by 8 That Makes you sad?
No, but Stirb nicht vor mir , intrigues me is a selfish love: not die before I .
What is your favorite song of 1?
Well judging by my username I think is too obvious, but are actually two: Stella Was a Diver and She Was Always Down and Leif Erikson.
How did you Become a fan of 10? In high school
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Montana Drivers License Template
supposed to from now ends my obsession with the Pope of Mope, but just take a look at the icon I use for this post and see that bug.
first thing I did when I turned on the computer, was to review Morrissey-solo, and I saw Moz has no record label and people make fun of him for being old and his last to ; album failed or one million copies sold. Damn ungrateful bastards.
Well, I think it will eventually cease to matter, now to tell you what happened today (that was the original purpose of my journal).
I got up early, had the radio on, only lasted five seconds, the battery died instantly, was 07:00 am and had to go to work, got ;, bathed, combed my hair and took soy milk and pieces of mandarin, breakfast.
Then I went to work, but as I knew the journey would be relatively long and definitely boring, took me "Hot Water Music" by Charles Bukowski , I had read before but always be enjoyed when read at Hank.
The task today was the steering wheel and steering wheel, let the confetti scattered houses, let them pass through the slot in the door, to prevent a lap dog to follow you and bite, be noted, do not know. My back ached, he had a lot of weight in the bag, I can not really complain about what I paid, but in truth I prefer to be folding pizza boxes in there, no one noticed me.
finished my day and I left, reading in the bus again and here I am, not wanting to go to study because my classes are long and tedious, sometimes teachers would be more interesting or simply do not have classes.
On another subject, have been Agnostic Front and Madball, which wanted to see, I'll go with Jack and perhaps some of her friends who do not know, but we have something in common: we listen to hardcore.
Speaking of Hardcore and all that made me laugh and gave me great pleasure to see my dear Moz with a pole of Youth of Today, son of a bitch! total is the old boss.
same and I can not deny that I love that Steven was about 30 years younger, when young was so nice, but yes, always delicate and effeminate, pity . About thirty years in the bus I was reading an excerpt from Bukowski that reminded me of Morrissey, and it goes like this:
-Serge, is too young for you. "You
thirty years.
"And your sixties, is thirty years.
- Thirty years is too much?
- What about twenty? - Serge asked, looking at Arlene.
"Twenty years is acceptable. Thirty is indecent.
That says a lot coming from Bukowski, who was a fucking immoral, but as I read in a forum dedicated to Moz: 'd rather have the fantasy of meeting Morrissey and imagine it's a nice and humble person to collide with reality and realize that I would probably respond with evasive, hinting in a courteous way: go away you make me waste time. Amen. The
Monday, November 2, 2009
Blood Blisters On The Throat
Arschlöcher * must be dying of cholera because Jackson Rathbone (yes, the guy from Singapore who makes Jasper Hale in the Twilight series) will play the Norwegian Christian
The film is based on the book of the same name, which tells the story of Varg Vikernes, one of the pioneers of Norwegian Black Metal scene, who along with his pals, was engaged burning churches and other buildings of religious (especially the Christian-Catholic) as he regarded the church as an evil entity that brainwashes the world population. Varg, for say, a teenager who hated religion so much that he changed his name (Christian) Varg.
In my case, I must say that this film brings back memories of college, when some friends and I exchanged our first records of Metal (I changed my album by one of Megadeth Anthrax Fernando , ha), the first pole metalheads (Slayer, Darkthrone, Cannibal Corpse and so on) and talked about the Norwegian Black Metal, the fascination with these invincible warriors were Scandinavian Vikings and Norse mythology (Norse) and in particular the murder of Mayhem.
Yes, Mayhem will always play an important role in the history of Varg likes it or not, it was Varg killed Euronymous who and why estubo until May of this year held in a prison maximum security, which now become Nazi, he continued recording his own music with a fascist themes like: not my fault to be born white / not my fault than being born .
is also where I generalize and say what does not sound cliche but reeks of the classic, their first albums I like more , but in this case, so, I liked the rawness of their first album in comparison with ambient hybrid that had its two most recent plates of which point to pride of being born Norwegians and deThýr down.
In the opinion of Conde Grishnackh (Vikernes) are known to nadita has not fallen in grace so knowing that their beloved Black Metal is to be promoted on billboards Hollywoodenses.Al regard pronounced by carta que sinceramente me da flojera traducir:
The latest addition to the petty wailing choir is a Hollywood producer and his director, who plan to make a film about the Norwegian Black Metal scene as it was in 1991-1993. Or so they say anyhow. As a basis for their film they have the ridiculously amateurish "Lords Of Chaos" book, and the film's script was apparently written by some Jews in New York and a metal-head who claims to be a Norwegian-American, because his grandfather was from Norway. (I wonder where his other three grandparents come from.) None of them has ever spoken to any of the parties involved, in the scene in 1991-1993, before writing the script, according to the producer, because they want to be "objective". (He said so in an interview to a local newspaper in Tromsø, printed today). From another newspaper I learn about the plot, and they reveal some of the locations in Bergen the filmmakers want to use when they shoot the film. In their attempt to be "objective" they of course have ended up with no idea about what really happened, why it happened, where we used to hang out or anything, and to me this film just looks like a big, bad joke.
The newspaper headlines spell "Film about the Count", "Varg Vikernes goes to Hollywood" and so forth, but it's just a hoax; they misuse my (nick-)name to promote a film that obviously has nothing to do with me. They don't even base it on reality, but on the laveyish 1 lies of Michael Jenkins Moynihan and his idiot companion, Didrik Söderlind, the two satanic clowns responsible for "Lords Of Chaos."
So, I will Encourage everybody to sabotage this film and the production of this film by all legal means algorithms, and to Simply boycott it.
Thank You for Your Attention.
- From the name of Anton LaVey. The founder of the sorry "Church of Satan." Varg Vikernes
09.02.2006 (Tromsø, Norway)
* Schwarzmetall Arschlöcher, a translation into German improvised mine to refer to the Black Metal assholes.
Friday, September 25, 2009
18 To Enter Clubs In Nj
001 A Mystery, a passion - Aldo Miyashiro
002 Please do not kiss me - Beto Ortiz vielleicht
003 Amerika - Tobias Elsässer
001 Control - Anton Corbijn 2007
001 The Importance of Being Morrissey - England 2002 002 Satan
RIR Media - Norway 1998
Silverstein @ Lima 001 002 08/02/2009
Iron Maiden + 26/03/2009 Lauren Harris @ Lima @ Lima
Misfits 003 - 15/05/2009 004
Have Heart + Shipwreck AD @ Lima 005 07/06/2009
Have Heart + Shipwreck AD 09/06/2009 006 Faith No
More + The Emergency Blanket 10/27/1909 @ Lima
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Drivers License Invitation Template
There's nothing interesting to say today, only it's my first entry and I hate that this keyboard does not recognize some keys.
I go to the stadium for two reasons: 1. see that , 2. test the waters for The Killers. Oh yeah and to see play the U.
I forgot, I hate the layout tein did it, I like really bad, is (if not) is a crazy and paranoid as hell, but their layouts are too good. Too bad the great thing is created.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Pringles Challenge 2009
- personal opinion (no spoilers): I found an interesting movie that got me from the beginning. It tells the story of a royal family comúny little stresses, mainly, who was Tony Blair who saved the monarchy during the week after the death of Lady Di. Also, I was more attentive to the performance of Helen Mirren. Sometimes I had the feeling that she was Elizabeth II. These actions are difficult to forget. Although it seemed like a movie highly politicized, it is definitely a film to reflect much.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
How Do You Get Hiking Shoes In Pokemon Diamond
time ago I received an email saying you had to follow the following instructions: if your life were a movie, what would the soundtrack.
1. Open your library of audio and video player of choice (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Apply Shuffle or Random mode
Press Play 4. For each question, respond with the song you hear
5. When you go to answer the following question, press Next button
6. Do not lie
This is no example, I hope you try it too. I really thought it was funny.
initial Credits: Color me - The replacement
Awakening: I Will Dare - The replacement
First Day of School: High and Dry - Radiohead
By falling in love: I love you till 'the end - The Pogues
Kiss Scene: My Father's Gun - Elton John
fight song: Bittersweet Symphony - The Verve
Break: Open your eyes - Snow Patrol
Graduation: I want hold your hand - The Beatles
My big break: The importance of b indle - Oasis
mental Shocker : Country Feedback - REM
Reconciliation: On the ceiling - Eddie Vedder
Flashback: Romeo and Juliet - Dire Straits
Boda: Knocking of Heaven Doors - Bob Dylan
Nacimiento de mi hijo: Anyone Else But You - Moldy Peaches
Paying dues: Sultan of Swing - Dire Straits
final triumph Moment: Life in Techinicolor - Coldplay
Death Scene: Dreams on fire - Slumdog Millionaire
funeral Scene: Travis - Sing
Scene passion: Mr. Brightside - The killers
end credits: Little by little - Oasis
Monday, March 23, 2009
Tattoos Medical Alert Diabetes
- Personal opinion: Although the story did not seem splendid, the film is bearable. What I can highlight is the performance of Meryl Streep. I had not seen many movies of them so far. But I concluded that it is a wonderful actress.
For people who like comedies, drama and fashion, they recommend.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Poptropica Counterfiet Island Dragon Papers
- Personal Opinion: Although the film seemed very long, I really liked. The story it tells is very interesting. What I liked were the landscapes that show, they are truly beautiful and the music written by Eddie Vedder. I recommend it to those who like road movies:)
Monday, March 2, 2009
Cedar Point Leather Bracelets
- Personal Opinion: think it is a masterpiece full of humanity. Is the most recommend. I liked all the performances, history, special effects, characters and finally the voice of Annie Lennox in the final. The end of the movie and the song totally moved me. JR Tolkien and Peter Jackson have given us a wonderful world that, at least for me, will not forget.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Vinyl Oval Table Clouth
- Personal Opinion: Definitely, this is one of my favorite movies. I saw it like 20 times and would be another 20 times. I think it leaves a lot of values and a very nice school. It seemed that almost the entire movie is about to die: the performances (especially Tom Hanks and Gary Sinise), places and even the soundtrack. It's a very sweet movie and worth watching.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Wedding Dance Help Mod
-Personal opinion: The film follows a simple story: a former wrestling estella in their declining years. I think, great performances. Mickey Rourke interpreata the tragic and beloved fighter, while Marisa Tomei does an admirable job as Stripper gives a hand to the weary champion. I think a movie is very human. Explore sentiminetos of sadness, tiredness, etc. It's like a documentary. And to finish the film, I found great music. Bruce Springsteen touched me with his song "The Wrestler". See it is highly recommended!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Where Can I Buy Ritalin
- personal opinion (no spoilers): "Brokeback Mountain" seemed very good movie. It is well done, with beautiful scenery and a beautiful picture. The music does not disappoint. Moreover helps you follow the story. The actions seemed splendid. Especially Heath Ledger. Must see his earlier films to see that in this fim interpetó a completely different character and made a great effort. Heath made a most touching scenes are the film, in my opinion, at the end of the film by saying "Jack, I swear you" (Jack I swear). In short, a great movie. Do not hesitate to see it.
Removing Sulfer Smell In Drain
- personal opinion (no spoilers): I found a beautiful eat a romantic! Although the story is somewhat believable. Hgh Grant plays a man who shows affection and dreams with open eyes. Parasternal perfect Pra paper. While Julia Roberts is in a role of his style with some gracia.El auque actor who plays Spike, is brilliant in every moment of the movie.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Does Eddie Van Halen Still Smoke In 2010
Hello! Today I heard some songs from film and I kinda wanted to put the list of my 5 favorite soundtrack:
1 - Brokeback Mountain
2 - Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?
3 - Titanic
4 - Eleven
5 - The Wizard of Oz
what are yours?
Monday, February 9, 2009
Hana Montana Al Desnudo
This is my first film was mensaje.Últimamente has become my hobby. Therefore most of the posts on this blog is devoted to the entertainment world. I'd really believe me about this fascinating world! Yesterday
BAFTA awards were handed out which are the Academy Awards Film UK. The big winner was Slumdog Millionaire was the winner and took some of the major categories such as best film and best director Danny Boyle. Mickey Rourke won best actor and best actress Kate Wislet .. In the category for Best Supporting Actress Penelope Cruz and won Best Supporting Actor Heath Ledger was. I saw quite a few days ago
Slumdog ... and I loved it. I must say it has joined one of my favorite movies. It's a great story. I also saw The reader, in which Kate Winslet is sorprendente.La love it! And well deserved award to Heath.
Finally, I have longed to see The wrestler because I love independent films.
Here is a video with speeches from some videos:
; ; ;