supposed to from now ends my obsession with the Pope of Mope, but just take a look at the icon I use for this post and see that bug.
first thing I did when I turned on the computer, was to review Morrissey-solo, and I saw Moz has no record label and people make fun of him for being old and his last to ; album failed or one million copies sold. Damn ungrateful bastards.
Well, I think it will eventually cease to matter, now to tell you what happened today (that was the original purpose of my journal).
I got up early, had the radio on, only lasted five seconds, the battery died instantly, was 07:00 am and had to go to work, got ;, bathed, combed my hair and took soy milk and pieces of mandarin, breakfast.
Then I went to work, but as I knew the journey would be relatively long and definitely boring, took me "Hot Water Music" by Charles Bukowski , I had read before but always be enjoyed when read at Hank.
The task today was the steering wheel and steering wheel, let the confetti scattered houses, let them pass through the slot in the door, to prevent a lap dog to follow you and bite, be noted, do not know. My back ached, he had a lot of weight in the bag, I can not really complain about what I paid, but in truth I prefer to be folding pizza boxes in there, no one noticed me.
finished my day and I left, reading in the bus again and here I am, not wanting to go to study because my classes are long and tedious, sometimes teachers would be more interesting or simply do not have classes.
On another subject, have been Agnostic Front and Madball, which wanted to see, I'll go with Jack and perhaps some of her friends who do not know, but we have something in common: we listen to hardcore.
Speaking of Hardcore and all that made me laugh and gave me great pleasure to see my dear Moz with a pole of Youth of Today, son of a bitch! total is the old boss.
same and I can not deny that I love that Steven was about 30 years younger, when young was so nice, but yes, always delicate and effeminate, pity . About thirty years in the bus I was reading an excerpt from Bukowski that reminded me of Morrissey, and it goes like this:
-Serge, is too young for you. "You
thirty years.
"And your sixties, is thirty years.
- Thirty years is too much?
- What about twenty? - Serge asked, looking at Arlene.
"Twenty years is acceptable. Thirty is indecent.
That says a lot coming from Bukowski, who was a fucking immoral, but as I read in a forum dedicated to Moz: 'd rather have the fantasy of meeting Morrissey and imagine it's a nice and humble person to collide with reality and realize that I would probably respond with evasive, hinting in a courteous way: go away you make me waste time. Amen. The
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