Last night's concert with Madball Agnostic Front was very good. Proceed to tell them.
opened national bands that frankly I care less unless you take the wings off a fly, or is zero, I just waited impatiently for you to play Madball and Agnostic Front. They did
as at 07:00 pm and I felt like that girl school recently discovered all the hardcore punk scene, I felt good, free swimming in the sea of people, jumping, singing, taking the microphone to Mr. Miret. It was great when he played Roger Miret Believe, all at the end of the song cry: Believe in Hardcore! , but the boiling point of the concert was Gotta go, all while chanting: From the east coast to the west coast, gotta gotta gotta go, two sounds of the revolution, gotta gotta gotta go, united we stand, Divided we fall , Gotta go gotta , eseguida made a circle pit, but I stood on the edge, wearing glasses and could not risk much, as I jumped like crazy with excitement.
When these true kings of Hardcore stopped playing, Roger gave a hand to those who were ahead, the same style of Morrissey, we were all united, happy, because these events do not happen twice.
Then everyone went to buy merch, plan and go home, but not me, I always go back for more, and I think, coincidences of life, I am one of those couches that there in the Ravine Bar and a gringo who was sitting next to me was the speech, I asked if it was from here and I said yes, against me who had come with his wife and presented it to me the three of us hit it off, and something that I did not know was that this was the kind of New York and friend of the two bands, at first I died of jealousy because he was going to enter Backstage, until his wife, all cute she makes me go with them, "shit, I thought, I felt so privileged, had a saying Backstage Pass Band and gave it to me over Paroximia vocalist when I saw the gringo and the girl.
entered as the Backstage, and we met with Vinnie Stigma, the first thing I did was look him in the tattoos, I had lots and stared and stared, he realized and only managed to laugh, so to speak, one more. I signed the entry, and we talked, he told me he loved Peruvian cuisine, which seemed amazing, I tell you how bad it saved me in particular it seemed to me because we are of the few countries ; countries in the guinea pig is eaten, but I decided against it. No camera and I took llegaríaa not take pictures with anyone, but Paola (wife of gringo), very nice it again, I took pictures and told me that my mail as soon enviaríaa connect, Vinnie around me shoulder with the arm, and took the picture, then a few seconds gave me a kiss on the cheek of those who are good sound and long, I was a little embarrassed, but Paola and Vinnie laughed, so I just smiled. The long hand on my shoulder, I felt like a grouppie, when they arrived some guys from Colombia and Ecuador to the Backstage to request an autograph or a photo, looked at me as if I'm the HBIC, I was laughing inside, Paola, her husband and Vinnie inn, because we had eyes accomplices, the Colombians took a picture with me and shook my hand, I think they concluded certain things because of my backstage pass, because mine say rather than Guest, said Band, which give me more privileges.
Then came the turn of Roger Miret, the patadon told them that I got to jump on someone's part I was doing crowdsurfing, and amused me that Ely colleagues say all at once: Huh?, awwwwww, how cute, I thought. I signed one I entered and took photos, courtesy of Paola.
It was time to go because it was getting late and work and decided to retire, when I realized there were many people at once on the catwalk and Joseph James detráz mio me said try to squeeze your body in, I'll help you move were all very good people, I will photos under a cut as soon as I arrive.