BARKS: DSG DAITA Life-talks-
I leave a room video Barks, where Daita presents and discusses a bit about your new Guitar:
... on former members of BINECKS? Do you know what is theirs? KEITA
already has launched some Goods "Trust yourself" which includes: necklace, chisel, wrist, among others. The sale is made through the following site: . By the way if they do not load the page, that the sale was for limited time.
also already know the date for the first Live in 2011. 2011/03/27 clove
* Machida
* Kazuma Endou / KEITA LIVE
* = 2man more information at:
With the help of M-Bank and some friends had uploaded videos showing some techniques and melodies that can also run on low. Here two of them:
also attended a concert of Kyosuke Himuro "BORDERLESS TOUR on 2 December (2010).
TESSEY Notably
with Daita, are participating in the TOUR 2010-2011 of Kyosuke Himuro.
Other News, Needless Lyrics has announced on their official website their dissolution , n.
The band, formed in March 2009 and comprised of former members of ACID has been active for two years. However, after several discussions between the members, have decided to follow different paths.
on their official website has apologized for the decision taken and the fans appreciate the support they have given and they expect to be so until the end. NL will give its last concert on 27 January 2011 at Shibuya BOXX. In addition, we give a special limited edition CD to all who come to his last concert.
Data, at the official site:
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